Innovation is sometimes difficult to comprehend as it manifests in the earliest parts of the process of business building. That is why those who are not innovative or creative find it easier to steal ideas and concepts that go through refinement in the early stages of a business ecosystem. Non ethical totalitarians decide to steal and then play out litigious orchestrations to conquer property that was not there’s or never will be from a pure truth perspective. They may take it and then make huge profit from it, but this process does not align and never will with truth.
Businesses and innovations much like life can be seen as a system. They can be defined by specific stages and processes. When the system breaks down, is hijacked, or is conquered, the participants of this system must determine if they continuously have the will to fight to move forward in the face of unimaginable adversity and if they maintain hope and trust they pray that their efforts will not end in ruin or personal disaster, or even death.