Keeping Faith in American Business and Innovation.
Why it will conquer totalitarian regimes like communism.
First of all, thank you for having the interest in participating in our very forward-thinking project. This project, which was born out of American innovation, is being deployed so that you may gain value in ways that you many never have had before. It also enables the creators of the “work” and “works” and “derivative works” as well as the drivers of the project the ability to derive a living from the project as well as achieve benefit in other ways. This project will also serve as a living example of what we are discussing in the book, turned project, that all who are part of it can participate in. By continuing to read you hereby acknowledge that all rights and property that is part of this endeavor remain the sole property of the current and future authors, with no rights conveyed otherwise by separate written, mutually agreed disclosure.
We are confident that there has been nothing done in the same exact way we are doing here. If you are a communist and reading these words, don’t bother continuing. One of the foremost tenants of communism is to deprive the individual of their rights, authority, and power of personal property and the benefit from this property. Our rights as creators in America are enshrined in the Constitution of the United States of America as well as the US Patent and Trademark office. The outcomes of this project include the creative copywritten words that you read, the images, video and creative visuals that have been created with the expectation that this value created will result in just benefit being received by the authors. We are not creating this content so that others may steal it and gain monetary benefit without our permission. This also includes the patented software that provides the unique technological deployment approach by which we deliver this project which has been validated by the US government, specifically the US Patent and Trademark office. Given the patents that are used, which guarantees through the constitution, the rights of the inventor and its ability make just wage for its innovation, which becomes a personal property right, the authors have built-in protections and remedies around such an invention.
So, if you are a communist (or socialist or fascist or other cloaked in a culturally misappropriated, hijacked monikers), you won’t be able to steal or take these ideas and implement them since this is a truth as defined here and in these words. Truth can’t be turned into a non-truth even if you steal, try to usurp, or think you can “conquer” an asset. Moreover, this content is done in such an innovative way that it is not able to be recreated in the same exact manner and we are trying to make it the most effective as delivered by us in our unique manner. If you are thinking about becoming a communist, don’t. If you need references from the many people or regimes who lived through this process, we would be happy to provide you the contact information so you can make your own discernment on this very ignoble vocation. If you are not sure who you are and want to see if you are, and if you have been improperly indoctrinated through institutions and other propaganda methods, we can also find you a path towards becoming who you want to be or who you thought you wanted to be before you became who you are now. If you are angry after reading these words, or you feel triggered or you just slammed your fist on the table you may want to consider going back to the earlier suggestion from above which is don’t bother continuing to read this and book the earliest trip to one of the closest communist counties, where you can live there and revel in all the goodness that it supposedly promises you. If none of these are of interest to you, read on and welcome.
By the way, if you are a lobbyist, money grubbing, golden calf pining lawyer or politician and you work for the communists (as a lawyer, lobbyist, or politician), welcome aboard. Hopefully in between your money-making endeavors and your golden calf moments, you will perhaps start to see the irreconcilable harm you are inflicting on people, on nations, and your fellow communities. BTW, perhaps your Hamptons, Matha Vineyard, Atherton, Main Line, or Nantucket homes could make for a nice compound for all the cartel members or terrorists that are currently invading the US. Most inventors or entrepreneurs put their faith elsewhere, because it is too difficult of a road to not have your faith in a higher power.
Have Faith and Trust in Him, Who Said: Take Courage, I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33)